I was
watching them from the bed through the bathroom glass wall and that’s when I
gave them the reality check that they had to wash a suitcase full of clothes.
Earlier when I came to get ready, I opened the suitcase only to find that a
sunscreen bottle had burst and spoilt a lot of our clothes. So, they took all
the clothes into the jacuzzi and made a game out of that as well! Anyway, the
job was done well in a playful manner and we all headed for - as Aanya says a
“fancy-schmancy” dinner.

In the
morning, I was so ready for the tour - this was the reason that I had pulled
the entire family from one corner of Brazil to the other. I would say that no
trip is complete to Brazil without visiting the awe-inspiring sight of the
crashing falls of Iguazu. Iguazu Falls is the largest waterfall system
in the world, 3 times wider than Niagara Falls, and has a greater width than
Victoria Falls. It is one of the seven wonders of nature and
has been also a popular spot for many Hollywood movies. Not only were we going
to see the most amazing and powerful natural wonder, but we were also going to
get up close and personal with it, maneuvering the boat to go as close to the
falls and feel the power of it.
towards the end of our tour, I started feeling really cold, and given that it
was a nice sunny day, it was very odd. After a while, I realized I wasn’t
feeling so well that I couldn’t even step out of the van to take our last few
pics. By the time we reached back to our room and checked my temperature, I was
already running 102. I told Aakaash to take the kids to the water park, popped
paracetamol and slept, although I was afraid that I will not be able to sleep
at night, but I was too tired to stay awake. At night, Aakaash came woke me up
since our Christmas dinner was planned and I mustered all my strength to go and
have dinner. It was a huge buffet spread and I think they refused to serve food
in the room. After coming back to the room, I just crashed.

reached the park and realized that Aananya had decided to join our gang, so he
canceled the program and came back. We started her on antibiotics as well,
especially given that the next course of our travel was going to be in a very
remote place where normal facilities were not easily accessible. There was
another evening tour that was planned for the night, which we had to cancel
given that 3 wickets were down out of 4. We were just hoping and praying that
we all get better soon. At night we ordered food in the room and just rested
since the next day we were to take our flight out. My fever had reduced, and I
had started to feel better. Aan had started to look better as well. We were a
little concerned for Aananya because throughout the night her fever was not
coming down and we were hoping that her body is able to fight through whatever
this was. By God’s grace, the next morning Aananya’s fever came down and we
were ready to take the flight to our next destination.