Everglades is a UNESCO World
Heritage Site and is the largest wetland in North America. It is also the only
place in the world where American alligator and crocodile co-exist in the wild.
I was very excited to reach Everglades and we straight away went for the famous air-boat ride. It was exciting to see so many alligators in the marshy saw-grass swamps and lush vegetation of Everglades. The experience was enthralling and it
certainly was one of the best ways to experience the journey into nature’s
unique, mysterious and vibrant environment of the Everglades.
Once we were back from the
tour, we toured around the safari park, went on the jungle walkway and later
saw an alligator show. After the show we all got an opportunity to pet and hold
a baby alligator. Loved holding the baby alligator and I was smiling from ear to ear.
Soon after the show we headed to Fort Lauderdale from where
we had an early morning flight to California. Our stay at Florida had come to
an end but we still had loads places to explore and experience.