Is it ever possible that kids go to Disneyland and don’t
have a blast… Come hail, rain or storm the kids had a great time. It was our
first trip to Disneyland so let alone the kids, we were also soooo excited. The
only thing the rain spoilt for us was the fireworks that got cancelled. We took
park hopping tickets for both the parks and honestly we all had a blast seeing
all the Disney characters come to life. Disneyland was a first for all of us. I
am sure the kids were excited but am also certain the look on my face was
equally awe stricken.
We all returned back to our hotel completely tired and
exhausted and the journey’s sleep deprivation, the whole day’s walk and jet lag
all kicked in at the same time and we all slept like babies. Next day we were
ready to take our flight to Amsterdam.